Thogah citta-vritti-nirodhah “ – this definition, set forth by the sage Patanjali in the text of the Yoga Sutra, contains the whole essence of yoga practice. It translates as: “Yoga …
Bedtime meditation, the best bedtime meditations
Athayoganushasanam Patanjali MEditation before bedtime benefits both the physical body (helps it to relax) and the spiritual state of a person, bringing the psyche into balance, dumping all the negative …
Contemplation, which means contemplation. Meditation and the practice of contemplation
V In this article, we will consider the concept of contemplation from various angles, so that the reader can broadly imagine the nature of this phenomenon. We will look at …
Meditation techniques for beginners. Where to choose
V In this article, we will discuss meditation techniques. There are many meditations in the world, not only rooted in antiquity, as we used to think, but also of the …
Brain-Heart Interaction Underlying Traditional Tibetan Buddhist Meditation
HWhile there is accumulating evidence of improvements in human well-being as a result of meditation practice, little is known about whether the brain and periphery interact to induce these behavioral …
What is Pratyahara? Basic moments. Personal experience
The Yogi knows that the path of sense gratification is wide, but it leads to destruction, and many follow it. MUdre Patanjali described in his work “Yoga Sutras” eight steps …
The basics of meditation. Basic concepts in yoga
Meditation has only one purpose – to go beyond the mind and become a witness. There is a miracle hidden in your testimony, the whole mystery of life. Bhagavan Rajneesh. …
Obstacles in the practice of meditation. How to start meditating regularly if you still can’t
Do you care about the future? Build today. You can change everything. Grow a cedar forest on a barren plain. But it is important that you do not construct cedars, …
Is a retreat at home possible? Interview with Andrey Verba
Question: How and in what conditions did you have your first home retreat? In the early 90s, yoga in Russia was, one might say, in its infancy, there were practically …
What is Meditation Grounding Purpose? Where to start your practice?
MEditation, today this word is heard … Many of us have heard about it, saw that there are different classes and methods of teaching meditation, someone attends them, and some …